
Sum web saits ar hard tu clasifai - in thu grei eriu bitwiin persunul peijz, ziinz, galeriiz and buks-in-pragress - hir ar sume uv them

A W A K E N ! / { f r a y } /
Opening the Window /
o l i o / Glassdog / Bailiwick /
 maggy's world / Stall / SPLEEN / Orbit

vizhual art

A Magpie's Nest / Art Crimes / Electric Art Gallery - Fine Art / f l o w / Lysergic Labs Gallery / Prime8 Gallery / Salvador Dali / ThunderHead's Smiling thing / Vomitus Maximus / WebMuseum


Alive & Free (recent works (free) on-line from living authors) / Scrapbook of a Haight Ashbury Pilgrim / The Language Instinct / The Field Guide to North American Males


Red Meat / electric sheep / Watch This Space!


"Writers are exhibitionists, and poets are exhibitionists of the worst kind. We open ourselves up like cupboards that hold our souls, hoping for someone to approve of the contents."

The Garden Party - Elizabeth Kommit
Prayer for the Apocalypse - Adam Rakunas
eleven's poym - Elly Millican