fotos uv mi

Eij 10, standing with chiken under u pupaiyu tri; pich tri bihaind mi. Thu haus wuz up ubuv Pa'auilo, wunts u cafi plantashun haus. It had u furo and the ruf wuz an reilz tu (prizumubli) ulau for driing uv cafi binz.
An thu bich with felo rugrats. Thu girl next tu mi iz Elena; wen i last ran intu her shi wuz manujing u Video Droid stor in Larkspur.
In mai haus in Ahualoa in Janyueri '95.
Uslip after dantsing at u "Sunset" autdor reiv
With frenz in stapd trafik an thu wei bak frum u trip tu thu sno.
Aroand mai secund yir at Sense8, lats uv maniterz in mai werk eriu. Thu posterz an thu wal wer meid bai frens Aix & Aya.
The anyuul Sense8 hat cantest - this entri wuz mai "squid hat."