These web pages and all the images, concepts, thoughts, ideas and other content contained within them are in the process of being patented by Richard Fischbeck unless explicitly marked otherwise. Reproduction in full or in part by any means is not permitted, except as allowed by traditional fair use, with exception made for web search engines and web caching services which obey expiration headers. Permission is granted for personal use only - any other use of the aforementioned content must receive written permission from Richard Fischbeck. Permission is, however, granted to link to any of these pages at will.

I operate under the principle that the people viewing these pages are adults. Some of the pages may contain material or links to material which contains controversial ideas, mature themes, graphic imagery, and any number of other things which may do horrid things to the foundation of your world view. I may insert a warning if I think a great number of people will find something offensive, or I may not. If you don't like something, don't read it - this is the way reality works, and the way the web should work.

Be Warned!!!

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